Its hard to describe how much I love chabad Lubavitch.
It may sound the opposite in my posts, but they (lubavitchers) invoke such passion, hostility and love.
I was on the train coming back to brooklyn and bochurim got on with lulav and esrog. The train i take has a ratio of (maybe) 2 jews/98 goyim. It seemed one bochur had followed a young woman into the train as he was helping her bentch on the lulav.
She was excusing herself that she hadn't bentched for so many years she forgot what to shut up and repeat the brochas with gratitude and humility instead of trying to pretend at one time....
When the bochur finished he turned, unsure of what to do in a packed train car with what appeared to be goyim en ganzten. He quietly asked one man if he was Jewish and the man shook his head.
As the bochurim passed me over in 1975, once again a bochur looked at me, hesitated and was about to move on before I motioned him to step over.I gotta say, every goy i know or work with takes me for a Jew; Jews...that's another story. I dress tznius, and take after my father's Jewish family in looks. He asks me if I'm Jewish with people the last few years due to the company I was keeping and person I was married to, when asked this question, I denied my faith. I know how horrible this is and a sin and the negation didnt fall easy from my mouth.
G-d being the All Merciful, on yontif and in front of a crowd, sends a bochur to ask me this question again. And who knows if another chance would ever come again? I actually do think every day is the last, unfortunately I think this way not from powerful faith, but great sadness.
Because of this grief in me, I was lucky a flood of tears didnt start I was so grateful to say "Yes" and have the opportunity to bentch. I still hadn't gotten rid of kaporas gelt so after bentching I asked him to accept it and put it for tzadekah.
Only Chabad would reach out to pathetic dirty yidden as I am and thousands of others to try and save us from ourselves.
Had I listened to the warning from the Rebbe, and had patience to wait for the right shidduch maybe I would still have a community and frumkeit for myself and my children.
The Rebbe z'tl continues to protect us, I have no right to make suggestions to anyone frum but I hope he's mentioned daily in everyone's prayers & tehillim.