Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Holy Cheez Whiz

I gotta clean up my act for the big time. I've been granted a place among real humans.
Posted a tart bit of commentary on my sanity sanctuary otherwise known as YID WITH LID (see list of Go To Blogs) and found my blog listed.

I offer humble apologies for anyone visting here and possibly insulted by my talking to myself out loud. I'm too cheap, arrogant and intelligent to pay a shrink to listen to years of abuse, so I'm working things out. If you can't take the belching or mess, go eat somewhere else.

Actually what you'll find here is the piddling and diddling of a woman who chose to take her father's religion in a mixed marriage but because judaism considers the mother's line, had to convert. And dont like doing things half way, went thru chassidus to be kosher:-) But its all here if you have nothing better to do with an evening and I hope you do because alot of this is pretty depressing to read (and write). I made tshuvah and am in the process of publically cleaning the toilet I made of my life. Consider each post a theraputic flush. Or one may cite this blog, as some seem to consider it on more truly kosher sites as, AN EXAMPLE OF HOW NOT TO SCREW UP YOUR LIFE AS A JEW.

Segue....The best thing in the middle east are the bidets in the bathrooms instead of paper. I came back after 6 months and five years later follow same procedure and dont know how people here can stand themselves without washing. And brochas? And davening? yeech. This country continues to mask its stinky self and mentality with air fresheners, aluminum harmful deodorants and toilet paper instead of good ol H2O, soap and doing the right thing.

Gotta run, Tony Soprano is mine for 2 hours.

1 comment:

Dan Balsamo said...

That was good post! What are you talking about? I agree with you on that toilet paper that Americans so love and depend on! It shows how completely filthy most of them are. How I would hate to clean do their laundry!

Mel Balsamo