Yom kippur was a bust. Couldnt get past the fear of walking cold into a shul to ask if i could hear mussaf, kol nidre, say kaddish. So me and my artscrolls stayed home,made kaporas with money, bentched, cooked yontif foods and davened...being alone i had to say the chazen's and congregation parts. dont laugh, i think G-d was probably not too happy if He heard any of it.
I've been refused by every Jewish publication I submitted "A letter from the City of Refuge"--Hamodia wrote they would publish if edited down to 700, I edited and turned it in, silence. Since '86, after leaving crown heights, I felt like and was treated like a leper. What I didnt know is that this is indicative of the entire yiddishe velt--'mesirah' and a chilul H*shem remain guiding principles, no matter how grave or dirty the community laundry is. Denial of abuse by men against women and children, husbands, rabbis, day care centers staffed with untrained russian immigrants, women taking in yeshivah bochurs for meals and other activities...hide your faces all of you, pretend nothing is going on, pretend those who leave are the sinners, tell yourselves that the Truth is a chilul H*shem...I think its a sign of our generation, all religions are in philosophical denial.
Last Pope euthanized? Priests bankrupting the church with their sexual depravities, rabbis... leaders of us Chosen folk sending women back to their abusers, hiding molestation of yeshivah kids, Islam is the quintessential contradiction...the religion of peace promoting death and ignorance at every turn...sending a moronic mouthpiece to NY to spew his 'final solution' and offer an olive branch for us all to convert. He tried the stick, now he's trying the carrot approach. In case no one's paying attention, its traditional in islam to offer the captives, idolators and kafirun an opportunity to convert before they're condemned to death. Or you can live as a 2nd class citizen and pay a special tax rate only for non muslims...if you're allowed to remain alive.
I was initially offended that Lee Bollinger hosted the underdressed ignoramous today, but after reading the statements Bollinger made, statements that this government, our media and worst of all other academicians haven't had the badahn (cohones) to say out loud, I can only hope he sent a few copies of the transcript back with Ahmaddidit so they can read it over leisurely in Qum and plan their next conversion project with a better understanding of what the enemy really thinks of them.
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