i had life saving abdominal surgery last january...it's september and between dealing w/rhuematoid arthritis and healing, retaining a full time job in NYC that is ugly in its stressfulness...i'm toasted. i have 3 routine pain meds and 1 emergency pain med.
i came to blog because its erev rosh hashanah...i learned you dont reveal the good things you did because its not tznius...but i've been trying hard, davening daily, tzedakah. i've been trying to close the emotional gap from years of separation from my kids. offering to help them with college (not tuition, but monthly $$ toward bills etc) and sending packages of home baked things.
i'm writing this the weekend after the wall street crash and we're going to be socked with the worst financial catasrophe since the Great Depression. called one son to impress the seriousness of what's going on...he says no one's worried where they are...hasn't effected anyone much. i know both coasts feel things first, react stronger than midlands, but considering this mess has effected global markets, seems bizaare our own country remains oblivious...or maybe its my bunch with they're heads in the sand.
i sent a box for rosh hashanah to the kids...chocolate, dates, fresh fruits, expensive honey, wished them a sweet year. 3 of them took an apt together to avoid living with strangers. the box went out express thursday, no one called to say thanks or they got it. son calls sunday and after a few one word sentences i ask if they received the box...'you mean those 2 chocolate bars you sent? those are gone already...what else was in there..(silence as he tries to recall) oh year fruit, we made pancakes with apples sauteed in cinnamon this morning, we demolished the chocolate cookies as soon as we opened the box.'
i wanted to vomit from the ungratefulness and the tone of his voice...'those 2 chocolate bars you sent?' Yeah the 2 Lindt $2.50 bars and everything i carefully picked out, packed and rush shipped so you would have a sense of yontif.
looking online earlier today almost killed me, i've been crying most of the day. looking for options to attend rosh hashnah services and to hear shofar i was looking online, chabad seems to be the only option available. but chabad is not close enough, i would have to take the subway even within brooklyn to attend. there;s a small shtiebl not far, i hope to walk there and stand outside for shofar. i dont know any of the people...its like at the edge of boro park/fort hamilton. you cant just show up and be a part of a congregation.
so while i'm looking at various chabad websites, and there are alot, i find one that is preserving the video and audio tapes of the Rebbe z'tl. they created a dorp down menu of names so you can check your family name to see if pics have been posted and are being preserved. i found my oldest daughter, then 14 years old, standing and accepting a dollar from the Rebbe...who sits looking at her in the oddest way. i sent the pic to my children who haven't had the time or courtesy to respond to that either.
no matter where i've been, gone thru..hashgocha protis and protection from the Abishter is never a doubt. i have survived situations that could have only been with His help. Of ocurse i' m left with the emotional fallout, but physically He helped extricate me from alot of things. I must believe that my children's frei lifestyles are a direct result of my own shortcomings and averahs. Truly frum and devoted parents have children who follow the right path.
there are websites and stories online of young chassidum involved in heavy drug use and sales, orgies, deserting religion and worse, appearing to be chassidim and mocking the religion. The Rebbe told us we are the last generation, things are winding up and what must happen, is now happening to bring Moshiach. I pray it is the Rebbe who will take us all home. I expect thoough it will be some time before i'm allowed in.
to see my oldest daughter in front of the Rebbe, looking frightened and vulnerable, unsure of who he was, where she was but understanding the magnitude of being there, is both devastating and beautiful. She is the only one, aside from J and me bringing 3 of them for yechidus once, that was in front of him.
And she left...she's living in Israel and is also drifting, trying to find her way and almost 30 yrs old.
They dont want to be cared for as children and they haven't grown up to take care of themselves. I cannot imagine how 2 grandparents and one father could not provide a modicum of them feeling secure. Divorce is about as devastating for children as a parent dying...abandonement by someone you look to for protection (in this case me) has stifled everything of potential and growth.
i dont know how to do tshcuvah for crippling 5 children emotionally. we can say, they're adults now and can make choices. but these choices come out of their frame of reference, which was being abandoned, hurt, frightened by a step mother and neglectful uncaring father. years of not having contact with me.
mikveh...once again the issue is raised within me. i want to toivel a final time. not for niddah but for tschuvah. one site says go for it, call a mikveh and get a sharp tongued woman telling me not to reinvent jewish law for my own needs, its not appropiate for me to use mikveh unless i'm married...so toiveling before Yom Kippur is acceptable not required. i have one in walking distance in fort hamilton. yontif falls as the month ends and i have $23 dollars left.
Need subway fare, mikveh fee, groceries.
i became a kosher yid because since 4 years old, there was no other choice, i knew that was my path. why it has been so difficult to be a Jew, a member of chabad, a welcome person within chabad, only the Abishter knows. Can tests be for your entire lifetime? Usually when you are tested at some point there's an end time where you learn if you passed or failed. I'm not a stupid person, I feel I have faith and love Hashem so I can't answer my own questions.
but even without answers now, its doesnt matter because i am so broken from everything there is nothig left now but to repair and focus on doing whatever i can to return to being an observant Jew. Chabad, for me, is like an addiction...its the only form of observance I know, it was a 15 yr high and anything less feels unJewish. I want in again because I never stopped believing its the truth, but have no right to return after 22 years of being outside.
to see so many anash receiving rebbe dollars, people i knew and loved, loved and left, left and never said goodbye, left ashamed from the violence inside my home that no one would help with, left to excape a husband and had to leave an entire life behind.
happy new year to anyone passing by...
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