Decided to keep a weekly list because what's going on out there is beyond belief.
Gulf Coast oil spill, worst ecological disaster in US history. British Petroleum's rig which was created with a cheaper system, BP which averaged 600 safety violations including 'negligence' and worse, had a rig blow up killing 19 and injuring hundreds. The 'official' dead bird count is 850 and dead turtles are listed to be at 835. No word on fish or other living things that depend on the Gulf ecosystem. No way of stopping the gushing underwater oil until possibily August when a secondary container is created to shift the flow and no guarantee with that. BP and the other major oil companies presented the US Senate oversight comittee with proposals for contingency safety plans that included protection for Gulf wildlife species including Walruses. The last Walrus was seen in the Gulf over 400 years ago and it appears all the companies used the same game plan.
Israel has rescinded many Gaza restrictions after global grumbling was unbearable, likely because US tightened the screws even more than the White House already did by actin as if Israel was a stranger and stiffing Netanyahu by letting him sit and wait for his HignAss as he finished his lunch. Haredim are again fighting for the civil rights as they refuse to reconfigure schools to fit govt secular standards-mehitza was taken down 2 weeks before school year ended forcing frum parents to remove kids from school. On 6.17, thousands of haredim protested in the streets, mothers and father arrested, children terrified and crying. Not enough that Arabs terrify with bombs at any time and bomb shelters are a way of life, the Jewish Government feels it can act as an agent of terrorism as well. This is what comes of separation of Jewish country from Jewish religion-there is NO Jewish state with Judaism, we will destroy ourselves, we wont need any outside threat.
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