Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Caterpillar knoooows

What a week, what a week. Where do we start?
Is there no one to give Sarah Palin a talk show, it seems all she wants is a platform for attention. Riding around the country on a bus, popping up in Iowa to take the temperature of the crowds. She missed her moment and can't get over it.
Where are the serious, intelligent women capable of running for office. I don't believe a woman should be President now. America is philosophically and physically at war with countries that do not take women as anything but property to be bought,  traded or disposed of when of no further use.
If American women continue to sell themselves privately, in the street and on TV, continue to undermine other women by committing adultery without conscience, continue to make excuses for immoral behavior then we cannot produce someone for this position. Segue to Michelle Bachmann.....
I want to hear substantive comments on foreign policy, not that she started a business and knows tax law.
They all blather the same thing, run the same tapes as if someone told every candidate, just say the word jobs and you'll have their attention.
Fact is, manufacturing and blue collar work as we once knew it to be the backbone of America, the jobs that lower class, and lower middle class could aim for are gone forever. Candidates speak about jobs as if they wave a wand it will all come back to us again. NAFTA finished us.

Obama came into office talking about how we need to jump over the hurdle of blue collar mentality and get everyone into college so everyone can learn high tech math, engineering and then we can reinvent America, because America was always the capital of invention, we will 'Green' the country into prosperity once more
 and entrepreneurship has always been our hallmark and then he phuks us with more BS by taking the first point in the Socialist-Black Liberation handbook and holds the country hostage by decreeing everyone must have health care. The fact that million of  illegals accumulated over here and have sucked dry every ER, school room and made salmonella a given for every fruit and vegetable they pick, stopping the flow at the border, was not a priority. Getting them health care was a priority.
That big green lady sent to us from France sitting in our harbor, more than anyone, she's seen immigrants come here penniless, with cardboard suitcases, refugees from wars, downtrodden, lonely but filled with hope-not with the current attitude of migrants world wide-'you owe me' or 'I want it Now' and bilking every semi-democratic society for social welfare programs funds indefinately.
I listened last week as David Gergen and others discussed the WPA projects of the 1930s that took the unemployed and created jobs fixing infrastructure, roads, bridges etc. Serious work that is not glamorous, but needs doing and has been ignored for decades. No one will use the dirty word DEPRESSION, but the media here and there run opinion polls asking whether we are in a second recession and no one questions why, with the lack of jobs, there is simultaneously a drop in unemployment benefits being filed.
Are people just giving up? It would seem so. The icing on the cake is last week's announcement that General Electric is building a huge manufacturing plant in China.
Tim Pawlenty is as depressing as his name.
Paul Rand hangs around with much the same addiction for attention as Palin, he knows he's unelectable.
Mitt Romney...This man has more flip flops than the pancakes at IHOP. He talks and says nothing that will indict him for having an opinion that may jeopardize some constituency or state that he'll need later. He cannot win against Obama, simply for being so innocuous he makes Obama appear intelligent.
From the get go I wrote Obama is nothing more than a Hollywood set, there's nothing back there except some unknown props holding him up. Its taken 3 years for the lemmings to realize he's in over his head and no matter what the teleprompter scrolls for him, he's not making contact. He did as he was told and bailed out the banks and some corps, loading more debt and paying off the very oinks that should have been allowed to drown in their own swill.
Imagine Mitt Romney as the follow up act after Obama.  Although no political leader takes him seriously, however polite they may be face to face, he's a laughing stock and the debt ceiling wrangling proved his incompetence yet again-no script, no brain. Imagine mundane Romney having to follow that and face down any Arab/Muslim government, the Gaza thugs, Russia and our Lord and Master, China and expecting any of them to be a good faith partner with America. 
I think that pretty much clears the table so we can now serve tea....enter candidate Rick Perry

How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail. And pour the waters of the Nile, on every golden scale. How cheerfully he seems to grin, how neatly spreads his claws. And welcomes little fishes in, with gently smiling jaws (Caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland)

Although Carroll's caterpillar spoke while toking on a hookah atop a mushroom, his words are no less surreal than current affairs in the US. So the cavalry seems to have arrived dressed up as Rick Perry, larger than life from Texas. Big man, big mouth, big hair and expressing a big belief that America can be Big again.
And even if its not 100% possible to be Big again, we need a man who believes that, because every immigrant and refugee, every stock market, every foreign government is convinced that despite whatever Obama was sent to say or do,  America remains 100% better than where they are and a country of boundless hope. We can't do anything until hope is restored, maybe Perry is the man to do that...

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