Saturday, February 12, 2011


Some random thoughts as Egypt is being followed by protests in Yemen and Algiers. Each country is different, as each dictator has his own levels of power to control citizens, militaries and media outlets vary in loyalty. Egypt is unique, long regarded paternalistically by its rulers, Egyptians were thought to be passive, uninformed.

I watched Andrew R. so-called media mogul that I knew from work, babble on CNN that only 20% of Egyptians have cell phones or internet access. I dont know the last time Mr. R was in Egypt but Internet cafes have lines out the door and are on every street-anyone who can scrounge the money for an hour of time, can go online, chat, flirt, see news even email the once President of Egypt.
Egyptians watch television mainly for the daily serials of domestic melodramas, not actual news, that's word of mouth- and even the lesser educated had become aware that state controlled channels were mostly propaganda-and now its confirmed, they all know it...but the point is, it was a known fact that people like Wael Ghonim were aware of and harnessing.

Wael Ghonim is correct, this was Revolution 2.0 due to technology created by Mark Zuckerberg aka Jewish brains.

None, I will venture, none of the Middle East countries demanding freedom are looking to exchange their current state of poverty and misery for a chance to be part of the caliphate all the U.S. talking heads are schmoozing about-their ignorance is astounding.

Although the caliphate fantasy exists in the Brotherhood handbook and is part of Iran's plan for world domination (wake up Venezuela), its yesterday's news, not a single country on this earth with Internet access is interested in moving back to the 12th century, living in tents, keeping women indoors, reinstating public polygamy (which is already practiced under the table)or enacting sharia law. Not one. This will only happen, as we see, by sheer domination enforced by brutal military regimes.
It's pathetic to see old "religious" men in shrouds with beards using maniacal madmen and their militaries to enforce the Relgion of Peace in their countries while their citizens secretly plot and plan how to overthrow them, meet in private to read, study, wear makeup, have parties, and have normal westernized style lives...all underground.

The WH and its feeder think tanks might consider how to provide all the tech support possible to further communications and on the US side, stop promoting caliphate mania and instead highlight the good acts, the small steps toward freedom and knowledge that Egypt now and hopefully other countries begin to make. If these citizens are genuinely desiring freedom, they already know Israel is not their problem-their problems were their leaders.
Israel might want to think how it can position itself to assist more publically in helping the region by finalizing a place for those citizens called Palestinians and stop moving the goal line every few months because that wont work anymore, game over unless the US is going to bankroll another dictator. Egypt has almost no infrastucture-what it does have is in shambles. Egypt graduates thousands of engineers of every variety, most of whom never ever do work in their fields.

Egypt's education system needs some hard scrutiny as well. Other than the American University in Cairo, degrees are like taking an online collegiate degree, its laughable, non transferrable and of little use outside Egypt; but Egyptians do not know that unless they're outside the country.

Every government has its reasons for spreading propaganda and lies about Those Other countries, but the world is in a unique moment historically-I'm not an optimist by nature, but I only see great hope in these ruptures. Human desires for complete change, that if left unnurtured by governments in the EU, US and elsewhere, will ultimately be turned into a choke hold by religious fanatics that the Western media is rhapsodizing about.

We're not currently seeing revolutions demanding mo'better religion, but if the West cant keep up with understanding whats going on in the streets of these countries and provide support other than military, it will certainly spiral down so fast that a caliphate will be the least of our problems.

I read that Julian Assange is being nominated for a 2011 Nobel; they might want to consider giving Nobels to Ghonim and Zuckerberg. And a posthusmous Nobel to Mohammed Bouazizi, the young engineer who could not find work and sold fruit from a cart until even that was taken away from him by Tunisian police.

Such a time to be alive, to see justice meted out after generations of oppression and despair, to see the right hand of G-d correcting the evil only mankind can inflict on itself.

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