Friday, February 11, 2011

Mubarak leaves

At first it seemed the announcment that he left for Sharm was a another slap in the face of Egyptians; he wouldnt resign and went on vacation. But he resigned, I would venture he likely is not in Egypt, despite his proclamations he will die and be buried in Egypt. My old boss said the same thing when every effort was made to boot her ass out of the College, I will die at my desk. She was forced out, given a package and someone was hired in her place and she was told the person would be moving into her was pathetic to watch her husband and assistant throw things into boxes and bring them down to their car.

While this is history, joyous for the Egyptians, not only the departure of this monster and his henchmen, its hopefully a door opening so that the country can begin to build, grow, families can have homes, food, educate their children for purpose rather than to sell fruit or sit in cafes dreaming in bitterness of how to escape. Maybe now the sons of Egypt can dream of staying home and making their country a place they want to remain in, raise their children, a place to be proud of.

Hours before the resignation sentence was read by Suleiman, the tanks turrets were turned away from the crowds-signaling the Army was of and with the people. One can only pray this remains their guiding principle.

This is not a time for words, there are enough that are being said and will be said. The cry of G-d is Great is the same in every language, what is happening across the ME, the freeing of oppressed, despairing masses could only have happened with the merciful hand of G-d. G-d protect Israel and everyone who lives in the region.

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