The calls for Gen. Clapper's firing is like listening to German's after WW2 denying they knew anything. Unfortunately, we have learned alot since WW2 and not only do we have documents about the extraordinary human capacity to create monstrous violence and destruction-and then get away with it-but more recently we have lived watching Rwanda, Bosnia/Croatia, Iraq, China butcher citizens while we dithered as we ponder and contemplate minute by minute whether to help Libyans or watch Libyans die.
If Clapper is correct, and I have no doubt he is since history backs his theory of maniacal revenge, Khadaffi may be expected to annililate any breathing thing hinting of insurrection against his regime.
And for this information, the call goes out to fire him. There's not much to write here. Sometimes next week Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton will be arriving to chat with Euro and Middle Eastern government reps on Libya, maybe to again propose a no fly zone that no one can realistically enforce, sending in humanitarian aid which Khaddafi will likely consider an invasion and either impound or make lethal strike against. The US has already publically noted that we're only sending 'humanitarian aid' so maybe tents, bottled water and Tylenol will be enough for Libyans fighting for their lives, their futures and so-called democracy that the West has sold them for decades as the only true way of life.
We are either hypocrites, liars or cowards...which is it Mr. President? Or maybe its all too much for you to figure and the people who installed you in the WH?
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