Tuesday, March 22, 2011
new day, new insight
I was experiencing the rare moment of thinking these last few days, that there was actually someone taking charge, a president who despite all previous indications, actually knew what he was doing. So in the weeks (days?) leading up to the UN vote to go into Libya it must have been a gestation period of preparation that was kept under wraps, because it was hours later that the first volley of French bombs were dropped and then America was full speed ahead. I have no problems with any of this.
Then Kucinich began whining that the Congress was not consulted and the Constitution requires the President to receive agreement by Congress that the state of America requires defending, hence we go to war.
Since we are already boot on the ground in two wars, they decided whoever they are, that 1. We dont have enough boots to go around 2. So we'll clean this up in a few days with surgical bombs which was never mentioned.
The exact same methodology Bush used to plunge into Iraq (false documents citing WMDs that were a danger to the world and the citizens of Iraq) is the same framework Obama is now using to claim Libyans need defending from Khaddafi, Khaddafi is a threat to the world and so we must bomb the air strips to prepare for a no fly zone. I'm pretty sure the package was wrapped ina ribbon that was labelled "create a no-fly zone"
While bombing (Cruise and Tomahawk bombs are 1 million dollars apiece) air strips, residents of Misratah were being annielated by Khaddafi thugs and the FM had reportedly demanded bodies be taken from the morgue and distributed where indicated to show the collateral damage by US imperialists (Khaddafi's phrasing).
After announcing to the world that a coalition of the willing were going into Libya and 10 days after Japan was almost wiped off the map, the president decides its time to go to South America...then he began a descent into a dark hole, credibility spiraling down with every new sentence because even arm chair generals know you dont conduct a war over the phone, even a smart phone or iPad. Are they texting him images on a 3 inch screen so he can make suggestions? He sure ain't making the decisions.
Today while the president was in Chile he spoke to counter accusations by somein the Arab League we may be overstepping ourselves by bombing so hard at Khaddafi's tent and compound. American voices were being quoted as mentioning impeachment because thee Congress was not consulted about war, only the UN was and they dont count...much.
But here's the thing...no one is taking Obama seriously. They're pecking away at his botched medical plan where fees are thru the roof and doctors are refusing patients and patients are being denied meds, durable equipment and co pays for services have tripled (mine have). They've watched him for 2.5 years and complain about flip flop promises, no gay marriage yet as per constitutional right, no slavery reparations although the Native Americans received something, immigration is as bad as it ever was and security is a book written page by page, incident by incident without prologue or forethought. In short he continues to prove himself a false Hollywood facade, a Teflon smirking high giving homie that keeps trying to show the ESTABLISHMENT, a black man can do just as well as anyone.
That may be...maybe someone else or maybe after a few more cut their teeth on the job as this president is doing in one of the most critical times in world history. What manufacturing are Americans going to do by way of JOBS that is was so important for him to disappear from the WAR scene while that's all the media is talking about and run off to be entertainined and work out business deals....isnt that what Vice presidents are used for? and where the hell is Biden anyway? Muzzled?
When he stood at the podium today in Chile and said American forces would be handing over responsibilities in Libya to NATO, there was a collective Hoe Hum, because we're no where near peace keeping mode and he's specifically said that handing over depends on what his generals tell him if its mission accomplished in the 1st phase to make a no-fly zone...or was it to say just make a no-fly zone and quietly try to bomb Khadaffi & Co. off the earth?
Our millions go to Yemen and Bahrain who are currently battering their own citizens back into line, although Yemen is on the verge of toppling its government, an the president hasnt made a distinction why Libya rates an intervention while other countries have escaped his wrath.
It is all so very disingenuous...the excuses needed to go to war, the promises to leave pronto. It's like talking to citizens as if we are children. Because he himself is a political child of inexperience listening to a group of likely old white men who dont get the fact that what's going on in the Middle East NOW is not what it was 25 years ago, it is not like Iraq or Afghanistan. Ammerica is not fighting 'G-d' anymore in the shape of a boy blowing himself up, its a fight of spiritual and mental exhaustion by millions asking for help to stand up, speak up, be heard.
Why cant America be told the truth? becuase we've evolved into a country of selfish greedy swine who are very busy counting our filched pensions by overpaid banks, our lost homes that we couldn't afford to buy in the first place, jobs have gone overseas becuase we're indebted to a country who should be bombed off the face of the earth...we dont want to hear about the moral high road and why its necessary. And most of all, we wouldnt believe him if he did sit down in the Oval Office like a President and sincerely explain the deliberation he took, the time and at least outline a plan that makes sense. If every talking head is asking what's the end game, you have not explained yourself Sir. You have Medvedev and Putin publically arguing over whether the bombings are appropriate, the ARab League flip floping on whether the current course is not over stepping American boundaries. The Arabs want Khaddafi out, but not for the same reasons anyone else does. Khaddafi has insulted his co horts to an extent that only blood vengence can pay for the years they've had to listen to his diabtribes.
America publically claims its supporting regime change and helping citizens define their own futures, while also protecting one of the largest oil reserves in the world.
We need to reinstate the draft. We've needed this for decades. Every American who can eat fast food, play video games, drop out of school can spend some time serving their country that makes these healthy activities available. If you cant serve on the front, we'll find you military work that frees up real soldiers and find you an office job.
Its become too quiet on the Libyan front...its doubtful Khaddafi is so arrogant or stupid to be sitting in his compound waiting for the bombs to arrive, so unless he's entrenched in an underground bunker, he may have left already...or possibly done us all a favor and taken cyanide with his beloved son.
Japan is still spitting out buried survivors from the belly of its bursting landslides. But the stores remain empty except for candy or cookies. Every time a shot is shown, its of people lying down on tarps or small blankets. Do they need mental health professionals? One would think so, I would feel things were more normal if someone was sitting over a fire and fixing a pot of rice for the few familes...other making tea, huddling together. Its all so isolated and solitary, stoic maybe.
I once liked Sarah Palin...she seemed the underdog in a world of cynical men who just had mo better experience, but in fact she's been caught too many times unprepared making moronic statements. Yeesterday she met with Israelis and said she has many Israeli flags in her house. Is this the language of a person seeking international interest in her possible campaign to be the next president?
I realized last night I've been wiating years to be reunited with my children. At times it all felt so hopeless I became distracted or chose to think about marriage to avoid loneliness. G-d wants some people to be alone, why? Only He knows, but that's the case with me and it was a problem until I realized I was asking Him the same question over and over, getting the same answer in the form of a schlub or an abusive schlub and expecting something different. I asked for a bracha if this is the right thing to do. Too tired to write anymore...just remember Obama isn't real, he's actually
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