Monday, April 11, 2011

Catching Up

NY Times Op Ed piece, I'm sorry I cant attribute the writer, but he wrote what I wrote last week; Obama is lost in space, dithering, seemed to cave early on budget issues...he asked Where is Obama? where is the man we elected to be President? My question is, when are these bleeding hearts who do mean well and have good intentions and are truly happy a Black man made it into the WH, when are they going to GET IT? Mr Obama was selected by someone(s) somewhere for the job, votes were corralled (ACORN?) and from the get go this man did not know what the job entailed. You dont learn to be president on the job. Maybe you could during more peaceful times...say post war early Fifties...maybe during Eisenhower's time, but even he brought the knowledge of war and its toll on men and the country to the office. Being Black is not enough to be President. Being Black and speaking the King's English is also not enough. Interesting how the media was hyping Mrs. Obama in the same sentence as Jackie O and that fizzled after the first 18 months. She was going to take on eating issues in a nation that continues to grow physically as it flounders financially. Comfort food abounds. Food trucks, hand made sweets, cupcakes, pies as well as television programs about food, foodies, traveling globally to discover food, how its found, made, eaten, who's doing the much of it redundant, and no where is Mrs. O partnering in a program with celebrities to effect dietary if anyone poor and desperate wants a lecture on eating less fries and McD's. It seems the only excursions the first lady makes is when she's on a vacation with the daughters in tow. Wasn't there a time when First Lady's would reach out on state visits? Or maybe that's Hillary's job, reaching out to touch someone, someone like Ghaddafi who after being told he must leave, is still in power and laughing all the way through the tunnels as he counts the billions he collected from the US after his 'rehabilitation' into a civilized leader instead of a thug. ho hum... So we have 3 wars going, a budget road map that will take us onto the path of battles royale in the coming weeks. Perhaps Mr. O thought he would give a bit in the opening salvay and is preparing to stand firm (I'm laughing as I write this)when it comes to keeping taxes as is or defending his healthcare plan which in theory would be decimated if the 39million in cuts is implemented. We live in times of revolution and rebirth. While Syria may be quietly murdering its citizens as if no one is noticing, so they can keep Assad in power, such dictators will have limited reigns now. It's become fashionable to declare social media 'dead'-in fact its only beginning and its power is only starting to be harnessed by the younger generations who will not tolerate the abuses their parents had to live with, feeling impotent, powerless, unheard and resigned to their lot. I dont know that John Boehner has the stomach to be president. So far the GOP shows no one truly strong enough to buck against the Bachmann has been annointed Palin's successor since the budget issues were played out and Planned Parenthood became the lightening rod for the Democrats to condemn the GOP for wanting to strip women's rights to choose from law, I wish they would rephrase that to a woman's right to abort, choosing has little to do with one chooses to kill, its an over used option that has taken the place of birthcontrol. I'm too bloody tired at the moment. Japan continues with its smoke and mirrors pony show and why there isnt a global demand that those reactors arent filled with cement like at Chernobyl is anyone's guess. Maybe one good quake will finally make such a mess of things they'll get closed down. in the meantime, they dump radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean and warn folks off sushi. Madness, everywhere. Thomas Szasz, my hero next to Kay Jamison, wrote that schizophrenia was in fact a health reaction to the madness of modern life and societal expectations. While there is relatively low levels of schizophrenia, the US is overflowing with eating disorders and every manner of polar being one very overused diagnosis. I was on my way into Beth Israel Medical center in NYC and the elevator stopped on a floor that was a center for research of childhood manic depression. I'm talking toddlers here. A man from the floor got into the elevator and I was so stunned I asked if the center was strictly research or were they also treating children for this 'disease' at such a young age. He looked at me sideways and said, "Research, and treatment" in such a way as to defend the concept...maybe my tone reflected the disgust at such fraudulent medicine, but as we know there's no accounting in the medical profession and the least is in the psychiatric field...slapping labels everywhere...and where the DSM hasn't quite caught up to labeling something officially a disorder or disease, it begins with calling something a syndrome. But I digress, as usual and take my leave before I put myself to sleep.

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