Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Running from President

Let's see...within the span of a few weeks America began a third war front in Libya which meant short intense carpet bombing that didnt kill Ghaddafi and now NATO is lying low, unsure if the insurgents are the good guys to support or Al Quaeda in sheep' clothing. Japan continues to lie about the nuclear mess and the entire subject remains on the back burner-Since it is an issue that will effect global life, long term, they're spilling radiative water into the ocean for at least 2 days that we know of, issued warning about radiation standards for fish from the region. Someone in the Japanese government decided to pay compensation early, about $12 per person in the neighborhood of the plants. It's mindboggling that international outrage is not a unified voice as this plays out, it will effect at least the next generation both of the oceans and our children, what the f*ck are the priorities or are government just overwhelmed as the rest of us slobs? Obama is so disrespected and my hero John Boehner is so outraged that Obama is the president that for now, Boehner appears to be sticking to his guns and holding up the BS budget Obama wants to push thru that will fund his fake medical overhaul as jobs continue to disappear. That MacDonalds suddenly announced its hiring 50,000 new employees in a time when their food is poisoning people, causing diabetes and obesity reeks of backroom games of possibly being put up to create jobs by the administration. No budget, Obamcare screwing up the entire medical system only to increase fees, limit procedures and allow companies to increase fees from employers who pass on the cost to patients, flip flop on closing Gitmo because the amount of money and chaos to secure a trial in lower Manhattan, not far from Ground Zero would be prohibitive-instead of straight up conversations and working with immigration issues, there are raids, deportations, families being split up without warnings-I'm on the No Mr.Obama, the American people dont like your high falutin rhetoric and your games. This country tasked its leaders at every level months ago to cut the spending, cut it back, stop pissing the future away that whatever is left that the Chinese and Saudis dont already own, is left for our kids to build a future for their own families. Your pretense at 'transparency' is contradicted at every turn and one can only ask on what basis do you have the audacity to announce, in the midst of all this, that you are going to run for President again. Who is going to endorse you aside from Donna Brazile who has an answer and excuse for everything you screw up? ACORN is defunct and it appears Rev. Wright aint too happy with ya, the so called Left feels let down and CNN is going to be showing a series about the Black Agenda in America, stating what's good for the Blacks is good for the Nation. Is this in response to the announcement that Hispanics will soon be the largest constituency in America? You still havent created anything worthy of discussion about the borders or immigrations levels, anchor babies...its just goes on and on and its goes on as cuts to education, screwed up health care are overtaking every city in the nation. Unions are being busted because of collective bargaining being exploited by union leaders to bleed everyone and every place possible in the name of 'fair' wages, while sucking ridiculous levels of union dues every paycheck from employees with the now almost impossible promise of job protection. You ran for the office of President only to run from being a President. Speaking the King's English does not a president make...go back to Rahm in Chicago and teach or look for a position as college president...college presidencies seem to be the pasture where presidents reside when all else fizzles and boy, you are as flat as they get. Mr. Pawlenty...keep those ads coming, we're paying attention.

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