Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Trump for President

Okay, go ahead and laugh, get it out of your system.
Now what are our options, assuming the current President is not an acceptable option for some in 2012.

I look at candidates against a backdrop that is both domestic and global. America is stretched thin financially, tired of wars and dealing with a wrecked economy. Selecting a candidate who speaks in pithy sound bites or someone who has little or no experience with global politics and other cultures is no longer acceptable. The world has officially shrunk as we found in Egypt this month and the US was caught short on both ground intelligence and intellectual capital. Inexcusable were the blurted contradictory WH responses, defending a dictator we paid off and then egging on citizens when our position was clearly immoral-or saying Israel's security requires we defend and retain a thief and murderer. We had no options because we have no one truly reliable, without agendas advising the people who make decisions.
I no longer know who makes any decisions, because whomever popped Mr. O into candidacy and then the WH is making decisions now.

NAFTA, another foible to pay foreign countries to create manufacturing for their own citizens, stemming their mass arrivals at our borders and then losing America's entire manufacturing base and blue collar level jobs in factories, construction etc. Every building built where I live is by Chinese who hire Mexicans; I watched as they worked through the snow storms that stopped the East Coast, hammering away as flakes fell and mounted. No time to waste. Call almost any company, from American Express to Earthlink, online customer services, all outsourced to foreigners.

Walk into any store to buy anything, Made In China (sometimes Mexico, India, Dominican Republic) dont look for something Made in USA. I cant find beef labelled "place of origin USA" in my neighborhood. I leave the 'fresh' fish sold by Chinese for the Chinese now since they seem immune to the poisons they use to farm their fisheries. Its great to buy fresh salmon at $4.99 a lb, but I'm sticking to canned tuna/sardines for the moment.

I can't see Sarah Palin having a conversation with the Chinese delegation about their currency manipulations and poisoning of exports and being taken seriously.

Rand Paul has already made it clear the US should halt all foreign aid, we cant afford to take care of Egypt-and then he makes clear, that means Israel too. What we cant afford is the filthy rich collecting Social Security at age 65 when they have pensions, savings, a home and dont need that money, even if they did pay into the system. Tell them they have the option of paying it forward to the next generation. My former boss once told me he cant figure out why the government bothers to send him a SS each month, he was still working, had two homes, traveled all over the world and the $1,000 a month meant nothing to him. That $1,000 could mean the world to someone else now or in the future, but we dont do means testing for anything and to suggest it there's squawking from every corner. Both father and son Paul are scary, we have scary in the WH now.

Mitt Romney? Looks good in a suit, not very articulate, never heard a serious foreign policy statement or budget proposal that addressed what pork can be cut despite special interests yelping, so why should he get the job?

Any one of those 3 who might run against Mr. O's re-election machine that is being primed and pumped in Chicago by Rahm Emanuel will lose.

Despite Hillary Clinton trying to look as somber as possible in her job, we need pants to talk to pants, a skirt doesnt cut it. The most destructive posture in the US for the past 3 decades has been political correctness-women can do anything a man can do. Bullshit. And we now know this is BS. We know it from domestic violence, emasculated men, latchkey kids, women in corporate positions still having to choose kids or career and if its kids, it means finding nannies to raise their kids. We tell women go out and do anything, then dont provide child care that makes that possible. O's new budget even cuts back on Head Start. It is appalling to see West Indian women walking with strollers babbling away not speaking English as their blond haired, blue eyed charges sit buckled and silent. We know it from watching men trying to convey to women via the media in programs, books how to be a woman while thinking like a man. Jekyll and Hyde...and then they wonder why women predominate the unexplained rise of auto immune/stress related diseases. The bizaare assumption that gay men have a special license to tell everyone how to dress, do couture, have a wedding, do interior design, cook-not in the manner of educating, in a manner of 'you (know who you are) have no sense of fashion, style or taste' it falls to us to educate you.

Born this way...that's what Lady Gaga was conveying with her pathetic egg and poseurs dancing around her-we're born this way and so all your conventions of marriage, monogamy, fidelity, morality, and ultimately monotheism, is invalid because its a round peg trying to insist it can fit into a square hole.

Despite the myriad of digressions, until further notice Donald Trump seems to the viable candidate to run against O & Co. Trump has the money, the guts to speak up, knows the foreign markets cheating America and understands that the cheats are not out solely for financial gain but to crush democracy and capitalism as a system.

I just hope Mr Trump can find the balance he needs because the media is so leftist here they will start putting him in the same column as Palin, calling him zenophobic or paranoid. He needs to have strong economic proposals both domestic and foreign and a team who will help him sell it.

G-d help us if he says he can see Russia from Trump Towers.

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