Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bullies in foxholes....

NATO was able to dispose of one murdering member of the Ghaddafi family and now the Chief Snake wants a ceasefire. In Parsha Shemos, Pharaoh is warned over and over, with words and signs. He repeatedly lies saying he's got the message and will let the Jews go...and we know how long, how hard and the countless Jews who had to die waiting until the hour was right for G-d to provide a path. Bullies and their ilk, political and otherwise, never see the holes they dig for themselves. So many decades of theft, murder, manipulations of human lives, the pharaonic legacy is reenacted in Libya. There's no reason to believe that losing one son is enough of a 'sign' for Ghaddafi to let his people go and live in peace. Short of a miracle that would be bestowed on the Jewish people, NATO has to finish the job Obama started and then ran away from.

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