Sunday, April 29, 2007

Amazing family We are

I got an email from WebRing and dont recall contacting them, but am listed on JewishBloggers. Went to their site and found hundreds of jewish blogs. Some ranting, raving, deferential, saddened, angry and always passionate. Too many of the good ones stopped posting. I added TheShaigetz and Being a BT to my bloglist although they dont have recent posts, some of the writing is wonderful. last post was July 2005. If someone reads his blog or knows him, tell him he's in my prayers.

Our stories and journeys unite us, even in their disparities, it is almost always a profound love and respect for yiddishkeit that drives us to search, move forward toward finding answers and peace.

I hope that those no longer posting found the answers they were seeking and didn't give up.

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