Thursday, April 5, 2007

inch by inch...

I didnt want to sully the few notes I'm making here by putting them in the previous post.
So at the moment the rehab (!) includes
Davening (short version...dont ask how short please, I'm get thru Shachris far as full Shma every morning, tehillim on the train)
bentch shabbos licht
tzadekah but its usually to our students who need things
no actual treyf, but kitchen isnt kashered
(rarely eat out unless under duress for work, it pains me to piss money when i can cook.
Read Rav Laitman
There's too many 'buts' in the above list

Bought a children's book on brachas for food and bentching (go ahead laugh) to relearn the right brachas

Have to get serious on separating milchig and fleishig....its the Italian half that's the yetza hora on this issue.

Would like to begin mincha. Nothing's stopping me obviously I just dont want to start anything I wont be consistent with...means davening at work unless I wait until coming home which is already maariv.

Want to stop wearing slacks and return to skirts. There is one reason ONLY I haven't done this. I am still too traumatized from ex stealing my wallet & papers so I carry everything important on me, wallet, cash etc. If my bag is taken, I still have my stuff. If I get physically attacked I wont need my stuff anyway...

Want to stop thinking so much and start doing more:-) but if kavenah counts...maybe there's hope.

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