Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Coming of age....

We are watching as the Middle East experiences labor pains-the struggle for human rights in Egypt and other countries ruled by military and police, bribes, thuggery, is no different from the pains experienced by any people, in any country. This is not about Arab/Jew, this is a time of hope and great challenges for people outside and surrounding Israel who have lived in and grown up in almost complete censorship, about the world, about Jews, generations of Arabs fed lies, leaving them in such despair cloaked as 'jihad' that murder and death remains the preference until now.

It took a Jew named Zuckerberg to create a mechanism that allows people everywhere to communicate, for better or worse, and Julian Assange & Co. to provide documents exposing dialogues that will ultimately set us all free from decades of lies. No one believes it will be as cut & dried or painless as scribbled here...but herein lies Hope.

There is no comfort for Jews when the world is on fire, even when others know it has nothing to do with the Jews, and they know it now, governments have stolen everything from mother's children to use a tools for murder, to children's futures with useless educations, rotting infrastructures...Mubarak didnt send his son and heir to another arab country, he sent him to the UK to preserve any hope he might return to rule in the future.

Egypt-whatever our relationship is with this nation where we once resided, worked as slaves and left for freedom by G-d's hand, as Jews individually or collectively, mercy remains the mark of a civilized man, let us pray that this part of the world experiences its rebirth as completely as possible, as G-d wills it.

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