Monday, July 18, 2011

Storms galore

Electricty was down for about an hour this afternoon when a huge storm hit. One sharp crack and brilliant explosion and the lights, AC, fans TV, went dark. Bootie is fearless and so he went right to the window sill to watch the sheets of rain pouring down, but another explosion and blast of light was too much even for him. I disconnnected everything, unplugged, switched off power packs and turned on transistor radio. Looking outside the front porch, cars were almost floating in a flash flood. We're about to get another round, the thunder is rumbling, cats are pooped out from the noise, heat and running to hide, so maybe I'll get some sleep for a change. There's a new habit where meowing starts at 2:30am, even if I delay feeding until 11pm and leave some dry out. Not sure if its food that's causing this crying. Mentally prepping for PC appt in much has happened since I last saw him 6 wks ago and not much is good.

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