Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's the Little Things

And it all accumulates. Maybe for some people it gets blown off into the wind...but I feel like Sisyphus carrying the damned globe up the hill and I never quite make it before sliding back down to start all over again. I've never seen a medical system as the one in PA. Maybe its just getting sucky everywhere now thanks to ObamacrapKare. First I made appointments from NY, to ensure I had doctors in place when I got here. But due to changes in the health care system in PA, they are consolidating, doctors are running off because they dont like one system or another or wont accept one insurance coverage or the other...First Rhuematologist I met with was beyond belief, his own nurse was arguing with him that he had done something he thought he had taken care of and she was really ticked as I'm sitting waiting FOR THREE HOURS. Two of which I spent in the general waiting room, the third hour was sitting in an ice cold exam room. He walks in without a word, plops himself at the computer screen and stares at it I guess looking for my first visit summary so he would know what to say...and it goes on for 3 minutes in total silence. I ask him, if I had offended him or what the problem was because after waiting 3 hours its kinda strange to come in without saying anything. Then he forgot to fax my prescription to the mail order pharmacy, I wait 2 weeks patiently, it takes them along time anyway and then when I call them, they never got the script. Leave a message on the healthcare intranet asking him to fax the damn script, he calls me late Friday, and by then I was actually sick with something else and tell him, something is wrong and its not rhuematological. He sez, take the medicine as soon as you get it, that's probably all that's wrong...I went next morning to urgent care, had a full exam and chest xray, diagnosed w pnuemonia (explains the extreme fatigue that was even worse than the normal fatigue from autoimmune illness, the chills, the low grade fever) you get my point, he's Lost in Space. So I look for another rhuematologist find ONLY one that has excellent patient ratings, the catch is you wait 2-3 months to see her. I get an appointment, this was 4 weeks ago and was supposed to see her tomorrow. Every doctor works differently here, some use the compuer system to communicate with patients, others dont want to be bothered-call the secretary, some office staffs are super efficient, others seem to work as if they're doing patients a favor sending in prescriptions or faxing something. New rhuemi's staff never sent a packet of forms to fill out for tomorrows visit, but even better they know I'm new to PA, on disability and didnt tell me I live an hour away-BY CAR OR BUS. I call to cancel because there's no way I can afford car service there and back. Bus doesnt stop at her office address, its a 5 minute walk away with a transit note that some walk ways may be in repair or not available, huh? I call to cancel and appointment lady tells me it'll be at least 2 months before next available appointment. So I confirm thinking I can make the visit if I borrow money from daughter (the shame of asking one's child for money) and then after mapping the trip so I know what to expect with car service, how early to call in advance, only then do I see how far this office is from my apartment. I call to cancel-the cancellation line is not taking calls, I get disconnected 2x. I go online to cancel-they've blocked that possibility and have a note to call the office if cancellation is necessary. After scratching my ear I call back and dont press the same line, but press "all other calls" and the one who picks up is the one who does appointments...busy lady. I finally cancel. If they had just said, lady this is a really long trip, do you want to think about seeing her downtown instead, either way its a 6-8 week wait for an appointment...but no. I think the assumption is every person here has a car, access to a car or can jump on a bus. As the ACCESS system, my PC doctor screwed me with a BS letter that had to be redone and then when I called the ACCESS office, was told dont apply UNTIL AFTER SURGERY. So when its the worst time, then ask for ACCESS. London Bridges Burning Down-this is another example of a Euro country welcoming immigrants, immigrants refusing to meld with the rest of the country except to open shops that cater to their own communal needs and then getting annoyed when the government realizes its getting sucked dry as every one that can escape Egypt, AFrica, Iraq, etc. are given either fiancee or refugee status and benefits to help them resettle. And resettle they do, because they havent ever lived with someone paying their rent, medicals, food while they sit back and complain or parade in the streets yelling about sharia law and now are fomenting rage because they see the British living well and decide its time to burn down civilization now because sooner or later we had planned to do it anyway for the calipha. Water cannons, rubber bullets? Cammeron needs to take a page from El Assad get real and fast. You're good to people, they bite you until they can take everything you have and destroy you. Employers hire people under hours to avoid paying health insurance, companies like GE sending new manufacturing business over to China while Oblama blames everyone on the list Geithner told is causing problems i.e. tea party insurrection refusing to allow debt ceiling auto raise so we can continue to live in the Land of Monetary Delusions where we spend what we dont have and promise to pay China what we cant and keep hoping the wolf wont knock at the door. But what China does is continue to hack into every secret and important computer in the US, send us sub par medicines called 'generics' manufacture good with chemicals so foul I've had to throw out a shopping cart because the wheels stunk so powerful, even two weeks on the porch didnt change the stink. A tote bag that smelled the same way, waited a week on the porch, hoping it would air out, straight into the dumpster. Cheap clothes, shoes, everything made for short term use so we have to replace it and they will send us more shit they made so we can buy it, we have to buy it...they own us. It adds up? Am I the only one a nervous wreck from these things? me and Louis Black. Still threatening and insinuating the Medicare, SS and other 'entitlement' programs are getting cut back. But GE can send manufacturing jobs to China. LimpNoodle Reid is heading the big economic committee to decide how to move forward. Reid...laptop to Pelosi and brown noser to Oblama is going to decide who gets what, where the pain is spread. Reid the King of Nevada Pork projects. But the best news of the day is there is a petition going around that Bert and Ernie of Sesame Street are thought to be gay and the petitioners are demanding they be married on TV as a gay couple to teach pre schoolers tolerance of "others." They're freakin puppets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But somehow in the decades since Jim Henson created them, the fact that they room together like The Odd Couple, its been decided they're gay. It says something about the gay community that they have to use 2 hand puppets as mascots to further their cause in destroying Western society as we once knew it. And whispered on the news, dont blink or you'll miss it, is that Oblama declared that every insurance company MUST cover birth control pills and ob/gyn for free as part of annual health care. I'm not pro abortion, I am for a woman making decision about her body not the government, but in this case he's cancelling out what he perceived the Right has demanded which is an end to later term abortions. Women anywhere should not be using abortion as a means of contraception and because men are selfish condoms remain dusty in their boxes and women can choose to get sick from birth control pills, IUD that float around dangerously in our bodies or strange shots 3x a year that possibly will have bad effects decades later, we'll wait to hear from the useless FDA that allows Chiness poisoned fish, foods, meds and chemically tainted goods to come into the country while they turn the other way...because China owns us. The whole world is mad, thats it in a nutshell. I dont care what rabbi says what about the messiah is around the corner so lets get happy. If he is, he's got some falutin mess to come look at and I want to hear from him at that point to 'be b'simcha' after he checks out everything going on. I say my prayers, read my Tanya and other unmentionables, dont blame me for not cleaning up this mess. They found water on Mars? many light years does it take to reach Mars from here? And they're worried about the water rights to Mars? Tell the Messiah you want the water rights on Mars and see where He tells you to go.

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