Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tac Ticks

Well, clearly I'm not the only one with a brain that cant wrap around important facts. Fleeing his fortress Jekyl is in Hyding, claiming his departure is a 'tactical move'

But earlier today we were treated to the sight of a young Libyan wearing the Jester's Official Military Hat with red band & gold braid, a thick gold chain and raised the royal gold scepter he was carrying in his hand. The young man had looted the royal bedroom. I cannot imagine how a leader ,as Ghaddafi was, would leave behind his royal vestments for the peasants to toy with. Sometimes there's no time to pack, you just run whereever Saif says to run.... 

This is why all animals should be 'chipped' . When they take off unexpectedly for places unknown GPS reveals their whereabouts.

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