Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wrist bands remind me

of when Jews had to be marked with yellow stars throughout Europe, Eastern Europe during the Nazi era. I dont get the wrist band cult where one wears color rubber bands indicating what social/medical/mental disease you're aligned with. Are wrist bands meant to be conversation starters? "I see you're wearing a pink & purple psychodelic wrist band, are you a practicing bi-polar or just a friend of the Polar-Challenged?" " Sorry, but maroon means what in wrist band language?...Hep C? your liver is about to expire and you're waiting for a transplant. Good luck with that." "Fire engine red wrist band with metal studs! Wow. Uh, did you just say you killed your children while post partum to earn that?" If we advertise or market our illness in the public square of social media, does it make us one global family of healing humans or a mass of commiserating fools lacking shame and modesty? Where is the line between openness and enough already? I dont wear bracelets. Or watches. An occasional pair of earrings. Most often I wear black. But if the day comes around again, I'll be first in line to put on a yellow star.

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